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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×



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Pardon my english! I want to use FM on the web to make changes to a catalog but the tables that shows the x and y cannot be shown as a table but as continuous text. I hope someone understands me.

In some cases I have 6 collumns and 5 rows, and to show as continuous text, it is a pain to read. Can someone help me?

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Effex, custom format files refers to custom web publishing, as opposed to instant web publishing. Custom web publishing is, basically, creating html files which interact with FileMaker Pro. To get this interaction, on embeds cdml (Claris dynamic mark-up languange) tags into the html code. Whe one does this, one then refers to the (html) file as a format file.

There are a couple of good books on FMPro web publishing written for FMPro 4.x which have good application to FMPro 5.x as well.


Keith M. Davie

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