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I have been puttering along on a little database that I use personally to track my work experience (in hours) as it relates to my professional registraion. As far as I know I am the only person to create a database for this particular process, but there are over 2000 other people like me that all track the same experience.

I showed my database to a guy who really liked it, and he told a friend, and he told a friend... All of a sudden, there is an interest from the registration board in putting my database on the web so that all 2000+ interns across the country can record their work experience online.

I've never used FMP to post databases to the web, and certainly never had to develop databases for use by so many people. So, I have no idea where to start.

Can I get some advice from people who have done similar things on where to start? I need to know about what additional software I will require to manage and host this thing.

The project is basically broken down like this:

-user logs in to web site

-web site accesses the database assigned to that user and displays it for editing.

-each user uses the same database layouts but has their own unique records assigned to them. These records are not accessible to anyone else.

-if a chnage is required in the standard layouts (e.g.: adding additinal fields), all the individual users' databases are updated accordingly.

I am unsure if this means that there will be 2000+ databases (complete .fm5 files) that are served up on demand, or if there is one master database that has it's fields "populated" by the records of whomever logs in.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Any books I should read on this?




You sure didn't ask an easy question for your first post, did you? Well here's my take. I'm not sure how much you understand about the entire process, so forgive me if I'm too juvenile for you laugh.gif

1. To put a basic database on the web you will need:

a.) FileMaker Pro5 (this allows ten users from different IP addresses for every twelve hour period) OR FileMaker Pro Unlimited (which allows unlimited users). Both come with FileMaker Web Companion (a built in cgi (web application) which serves your pages to the web).

b.) A server (platform is your choice - I use Mac)

c.) A fixed IP address so that others can find your server (this could also include a domain name so that users can type http://www.myinterndatabase.com instead of http://123.456.789.000).

d.) A text editor or html editor (to write your web pages-I use Claris HomePage 3.0 for basic pages because it connects directly to FileMaker and practically writes a basic set of format pages for you...and DreamWeaver for more advanced stuff...everyone has their own opinion about this).

e.) A connection to the internet fast enough to handle the maximum number of simultaneous "hits" that your site will have.

With these tools, you should be able to construct anything from a simple web database to a very complex site. The main difference is your experience...and patience.

As far as setting up your web site/database. It would be completely unreasonable to create 2,000 separate databases (besides the maximum number of databases you can have on a single FileMaker server is 150). So, my suggestion is to create possibly two database: a "User" database to track your interns, and a "Work Experience" database. These two databases will be "related" together so that when the intern logs into the User database it will return a list of related records of his work experience (which they can then edit/add/delete, etc.) As we will tell you on this forum, there a great many ways to do this.

As far as books to read, I haven't really found any that adequately teach the level of design that you are talking about. Although a friend of mine recently told me about a new book that teaches basic uses for Filemaker on the Web (it's available on Amazon...search for FileMaker and Web). Other than that, there is a complete list of FileMaker web commands built into HomePage and also available in FileMaker Developer (although why it is there and not in Unlimited and the regular version of FileMaker, I don't understand...oh, yeah...FileMaker wants to make even more money... crazy.gif ...just kidding)

Well, I hope this helped. Feel free to ask any additional questions, this forum has been a great help to me and I know that there are many others here that are more than happy to assist with any problems you may have.


  • 2 years later...

Hi, kontanchick! Odds are those users aren't around anymore (10/2000) but if you get stuck, other FMFORUMS folks are here to help! Where I work, we have several FMP solutions under development, one of which is a student hours-tracking system for students to self-report community service hours. We are using a related db system with studentdb, agencydb, and serviceactivitydb. Portals bring it all together nicely and we can have running totals per student or all students combined. We're also trying to tie student authentication with our campus authentication system so we don't have to manage 16,000+ users/passwords ourselves. --ST


The Sample Files forum has many CDML / Web examples. While they may not apply directly to what you are attempting, they do present usages of CDML, a bit of useful JavaScript and a variety of ideas and solutions. Some of them may prove useful to your endeavors. But only if you consider them.

Bon chance.

This topic is 7836 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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