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IWP in List mode

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Hi All,

Im working with IWP web enabling one of our reporting files. In list view, when you click on a record, it jumps straight to the top. Is there a way to stop this behaviour? I’ve used portals in the past to bypass this behaviour, but Im sure someone may know of a hack before I resort to portals (89 complicated pages)

Many Thanks

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  • 3 years later...

Scripting buttons does the trick. I put a button over the IWP row (since I don't want the users to edit the fields in that view anyway). If you click on any record in that list view, it triggers a script to take you to the first record in the found set. I tried to do this by turning the fields into a button and it didn't work. I overlaid a button (no fill and no lines) added the script and it worked.

I used the script to also show the previous and next 25 records (since there is a 25 record limit to view). To determine which part of the script to use, use a script parameter then (for example, to keep it from jumping):

If (get(scriptparameter) = First)

go to record/request/page [No Dialog,1]


This was inspired by this post:


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