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File won't open in FMPro 9

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I am trying to open a file that was created in FMPro 8. After entering my username and password I get an pop-up window with the title "FileMaker 8 Required..." and the message "This template includes features that only work correctly with FileMaker Pro 8." The only option is a "close" button. When clicked the computer completely exits FileMaker Pro.

I have access to FMPro 8 that I can use to edit the file but how do I know which elements are not compatible with FMPro 9?



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It sounds like your opening script is checking the application version and looking for version 8. If you have full access to the file, try changing the If[] condition in the opening script. Look for something like:

If [ get(applicationversion) = 8 ]

Show Custom Dialog [ "This template includes features that only work correctly with FileMaker Pro 8." ]

Exit Application

End If

and maybe change it to:

If [ get(applicationversion) < 8 ]

Show Custom Dialog [ "This template includes features that only work correctly with FileMaker Pro 8 or later." ]

Exit Application

End If

You may need to open the file with version 8 so you can get into ScriptMaker (if you can't cancel the startup script using command-period).

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Thanks Ender. Here is the open script:


Go to Layout ["Welcome"]

Show/Hide Status Area [Lock; Hide]

Show/Hide Text Ruler [Hide]

Set Zoom Level [100%]

Select Window [Current Window]

Adjust Window [Resize to Fit]

Open File ["Music Video Library"] (I verified that the file path is correct)

If [Get ( ActiveModifierKeys ) = 4]


Close File [Current File]

End If


I tried disabling the If...End If steps but still got the error message.

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Maybe it's in the startup script for the Music Video Library file.

You were right. I found the offending steps in the Open script for the Music Video Library file. I disabled the steps and everything is working like a champ!

Thanks to everyone for the tips. Reed, I didn't need to use debugger because I used my home computer with 8.5. Next time I will definitely try that first before posting.



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