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Everything posted by mfrapp

  1. i see, my bad i can't believe there is no way of finding out if a value is a valid number without using a script or recursion so what would be a valid number? 5 5.123 0.5 .5 0.0 1.0e+5 123,456 123,456.789 123 456 123 456.789 (same with minus sign) am i missing any and is taking into consideration the formatting with "," and " " overkill?
  2. this works for me, Exact ( GetAsText ( $value ) ; GetAsText ( GetAsNumber ( $value ) ) ) returns 1 when its a number
  3. i believe he wants to print the html document and not the filemaker layout. exporting the webviewer html content to file is pretty easy with GetLayoutObjectAttribute() and the export field content script step.
  4. try with applescript something like: open -b com.apple.Safari x.html osascript -e 'tell app "Safari" to print window 1 with properties {target printer:"YourPrinterName"}' on windows you could do something like: rundll32.exe mshtml.dll,PrintHTML "c:\x.html"
  5. use GetLayoutObjectAttribute(webviewername;"source") on a webviewer that loads google.com or something and check the result of the function to see if the page you specified did load.
  6. use port 80
  7. you can also open it out of the workspace left: -100 top: -100
  8. instead of a portal you could use a "go to related" script step using the same layout in list mode
  9. mfrapp

    Sort problem

    if your sort field has the auto-enter modification attribute, i guess it would trigger a resort every time you change any field
  10. you cant, portal row height is fixed
  11. probably "D:" backslahes are escape sequences so to escape a escape you must add a and the part where it adds the file and exports it back should be after the If / End If and no Else just check if path exists, if no create it end if add the file and Get(ActiveFieldContents) is wrong use a proper field or variable for your filename
  12. just curious as too how you would do that since "Open file" is not supported by fms, "Open file" returns error 4 in fms logs. Is there another way?
  13. what u need is this Get ( TriggerModifierKeys ) Get ( TriggerKeystroke )
  14. maybe try putting your gotofield step after a commit or refresh step just a idea
  15. maybe make a bigger image already tiled. just a idea
  16. ya sorry that wont work, unless you have 1 page per record
  17. why not use Get(FoundCount) in a unstored calc field ## / <>
  18. i dunno if i understand right... in a script try doing a first find for your Date range with the foundset return to find mode and put "!" in your ID field and select Omit and then "Constrain Found Set" hope this helps
  19. "The server edition, Mac OS X Server, is architecturally identical to its desktop counterpart, and includes tools to facilitate management of workgroups of Mac OS X machines, and to provide access to network services. These tools include a mail transfer agent, a Samba server, an LDAP server, a domain name server, and others. It is pre-loaded on Apple's Xserve server hardware, but can be run on most of Apple's computer models." i dont see how the server edition offers more performance. the server edition just adds more services
  20. from DOS console go to the folder where fmsadmin.exe is located and use that to close your DBs, there is plenty of help available for fmsadmin in the docs or try fmsadmin /HELP the admin console on windows is a big pile of poopoo IMO
  21. maybe another occurence of tableB <> to hidden field with a relationship sort by LastName then Order would give you the rigth order to use List() on LastName and FirstName as parameter for a CS in a unstored calc field in TableA since the last name will be sorted just go recursively tru the list of last name until lastname is different from last to display like your example
  22. of course faster processor is better and especially if you have many users connected at the same time, but faster HDD will give better performance compared to a faster cpu
  23. on mac its "Apple Script" or something like that (i dont use a mac) you should use a command like this : wget "http://mp3.com/superbeats.mp3" look at the man page for wget to specify a download folder after the file is downloaded you can import it to your container field instead of "wget", i understand "curl" comes already installed on mac os maybe try using that try googling curl or wget to learn how to use that and maybe try a search in this forum for Apple Script
  24. you could use the Send Event script step with wget.exe i guess for the mac it would just be "wget"
  25. OS dosent really matter, for database servers you need fast HDD and lots of RAM or you could try to use a RAID 1 and double your read speed, just an idea.
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