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Is it safe to delete a script when DDR says no layouts or other scripts use it?

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Is it always safe to delete a script when the DDR lists no Layouts that use the script and no other Scripts that call the script?

I'm trying to clean up my file without shooting myself in the foot:  I can't think of why I would ever need such a script, but don't want to find out the hard way that I could still need them.

Thanks in advance,



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17 hours ago, Guy_Smith said:

Is it always safe to delete a script when the DDR lists no Layouts that use the script and no other Scripts that call the script?



Nobody can answer that for you... a script can be called by name from the outside through the AppleEvents, ActiveX apis, or the XML and PHP apis... none of those would show up in a DDR.  But you would know whether those APIs are used.

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Thanks to the both of you - That answered my concerns about the DDR not showing all of the script calls possible and I also now know how to test for OMG's.

As always, your time and assistance are greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


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Note that it is also possible that the script is truly never called by anything; internal to your system or external.

But it might have been set up for some specialty purpose, such as data migration or troubleshooting. In those cases a system admin runs it from the script list. In an ideal world you would have declared these purposes in the script comments.

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