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Have enaabled IWP using server 7 advanced and have turned on SSL at the FM7 admin section..

We we log into fM thru IWP using IE6 and SSL is enabled should'nt it show in my browser location as https instead of http ? And should'nt there be a lock in the bottom right hand corner of our screen.

I think I am missing something

Thanks Stu

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Yes I have the same question although....

I believe you have activated the SSL between your web server and your Filemaker server.

Surely the webserver needs to be told to use SSL so data is encryted from the webserver to the client's browser?:?

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Since my last post we have figured it out. You have to get a ssl certificate from a 3rd party which you enable on Microsoft IIS . Then you access Iwp using https://your site.. It was very inexpensive .. If you are interested I will post the link to the company we purchased the ssl certificate from.


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