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Error -50


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I am creating a basic database using FMP 5 Unlimited. My goal is to let this database be accessed over the web by the company I work for. When I submit a new record using the Web Companion, I get an error which reads:

Data Entry Error:

Your attempt to save changes to the new failed because of the following:

Unknown Error number -50

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!


Chris Stotts

[email protected]

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First question...I have no idea. I use FM Pro 4.1 and I've never come across an error number -50. Try checking the help file under "Status (CurrentError) function.

Second question...In terms of HTML in general and the <form> tag in particular, by default, every element (<input>, <select>, etc.), except hidden ones, is part of a form's tab order. In most cases, the tabbing order of the elements matches the order of the elements within the <form> tag.

Theoretically, if you want to control the tab order, there is an attribute for form elements called tabindex which is part of HTML 4.0 standard. I'm not sure if any current browsers support this attribute. On a side note, Internet Explorer has introduced taborder and notab attributes which should work.

If you want to try these attributes, you will have to use Custom Web Publishing though. smile.gif

Hope this helps!

[This message has been edited by chandra (edited August 16, 2000).]

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I do have relationships in my database!

I've taken some time and tried to figure this out, but I'm still amiss as to how I can get this to work. The thing that kills me about this is that it works inside Filemaker, but won't work with the Web Companion. I think I have the relationships defined correctly, I'm using an indexed number solely for that purpose. I can use all the help you can give.

I don't have a lot of experience doing this, so all help is still very appreciated!


Chris Stotts

[email protected]

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Move Key field input text code before all related field text code.

EXPLANATION The Key field must have a value before any related fields can recieve data. The new record seems to post minus data input for related fields defined in the html prior to the key field of the relationship.

Hope this helps


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i think i figured out what error - 50 has to do with. I think it has to do with relationships, i know this isn't anwering your question, but if you have relationships in your database, then maybe i'm right and we can go from there, post back and let me know, i've got the same problem


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okay, found something else out that might be the real problem.

i also had a calculation field in my database as the relating field. It calculated in one DB and the rest would automatically be set to that field. However, I realize this, that if it's a calculation field or even if it's some type of serial field that is an automatic entry field (i.e. - no one inputs the value, then It's not actually calcutlated until the record is submitted (in home page that is). So if i try and insert values into a relational field, well, it doesn't have a way to recognize that the fields are actually related because none of the key fields match. They can't because none of them have a value. My solution was to give my users specifications on to what they can define there own ID as. The field would be set to text in FM and validated with "Not Empty", "Unique" and a calculation with any other specs. In home page, it will give the users an error if the field doesn't match the criteria or if the field is not unique.

Remember to set all of the other fields to match whichever field is the ORIGINAL ID field.

By the way, are you using custom web publishing or Instant. If your using instant, well, i think your out of luck, if this is indeed the solution.


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i'm not saying for sure, but it seems to me that it's going to be a problem. Assuming i am right in my last post, well, instant web publishing doens't let you set fields to match other fields. Maybe you could have all of the relating fields (the id field) on the page and make the users fill in the relating fields to match the auto-enter field. I don't know though. I'm strictly a custom guy : ).

There must be a work around. Of course, there's always the transition into custom ( shocked.gif oh no! not custom!).


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Thanks to everyone for their help,

Seeing as what I have right now doesn't seem to work(no matter what I do), I was wondering what is entailed in using custom web publishing. I've only been using FMP for a month but I have a knack for picking up new things. What sort of custom web publishing solutions are out there? I'm new to this so a reference site would be quite helpful.

Thanks again!

Chris Stotts

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It can be done with instant but will take some work. Basically If you are able to create the record in the main db then go to another layout where you create the realted records.

For custom web pages, download the trial of Claris Home Page(it has the FM assistant to create basic custom pages). If you want examples get developer or search the net for examples(there is no one stop place to point you).

Hope that helps


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