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My serach scripts won't run in the Web interface of FM 5.5

The Scripts are standard search scripts, and I can preform the same search if I search manually within the Web interface.

This is how the scripts look:

Set Error Capture [ON]

Enter Find Mode []

Insert Text ["XXXX","ZZZZ"]

Modify Last Find

Insert Text ["YYYY","QQQQ"

Perform Find

Can't I use scripts in the Web interface?


if you'are using custom web pubblication you can make a link like this:

"http://www.yoursite.com:591/webfolder...../FMPro?-db=databasename&-lay=yourlayout&-format=yourpage.html&-error=yourpage_error.html&-scrip=yourscript&-view(or -find, or -new, or -edit)"

note 591 is the port of your webcompanion configuration, if you use another port you must put there the port number (ex. 80)

Remeber to give the access privilegies of "read and execute script" on your server or your visitors will not be able to do this

hope this will help you

david s


You should be made aware that ScriptMaker is single-threaded and the www is multi-threaded. Thus if two near-simultaneous calls are made upon your script(s) problems will occur. This has been discussed elsewhere, especially in the cdml forum. It is recommended that you do a little research.




keith... yes i know ... but it's very improbable that two visitors at the same time call a script...

in theory everyone should avoid using scripts on web(i don't know how is fm 5.5...) but if you think about it it could be a miracle, like winning the jackpot at lasvegas, tha two visitors do it at the same time.

If you have a better solutions please tell me, it could be very useful for me, i'm not a very very expert of fmp, i just use it..

Thanks and have a nice day

  • Newbies

Thanks for the replys but my problem still remains, will I find the answer for my question in the cdml forum? or does any one know if I can change my scripts so they'll work in the Web companion.

"Med ett Schysst J


"keith... yes i know ... but it's very improbable that two visitors at the same time call a script...in theory everyone should avoid using scripts on web(i don't know how is fm 5.5...) but if you think about it it could be a miracle, like winning the jackpot at lasvegas, tha two visitors do it at the same time."

Miracles happen.

As a hobby I study thoroughbred pedigrees. In fact, that is how I got started with FMP. The point here is that I visit a thoroughbred pedigree db online. From time to time I am given a message that a "resource is unavailable. If you are reading this, please try again." When I do I get the results I wanted.

The problem with FMP is that using the -script tag you will never generate an error message (such as that which I just cited) when a script does not run. Instead your client will be informed of a successful transaction. If the client is yours can you afford to lose him or her?

If you are developing for someone else they are paying you for your expertise. Have you advised them that they may be losing clients because of the scripts? If you have not fully advised them, how can they make an informed decision as to the course of action to be taken?

I am trying to get an example of my script workaround online. It has been a long process developing the workaround and the sample. It also is a long process with the ISP. Here in AZ one is penalized for using a Mac. And I now have two of them. I began talking with the ISP before Christmas. It was supposed to happen two weeks ago. Now it is supposed to happen next week. When I get the connection and trouble-shoot the site I will then post so that you and others may see how one can run ScriptMaker scripts successfully over the web. It can be done.


Let me also add something to consider in the making of the miracle collision.

What if you are having your solution hosted by a FileMaker host such that others are sharing the same WC. Suppose that there are five sites sharing WC and each is running two scripts. Any one of those scripts could be called near-simultaneously with any other script, even from another site. Man, you are about to be blind-sided!

The workaround I developed must be run over a dedicated server, or must be coordinated with every other site if shared. 'Cause that's the way ScriptMaker and WC works - single threaded.

No, 5.5 won't save your butt. Any claimed "multi-thread" capabilities do not apply to ScriptMaker. Oh. Didn't they telll you that? Tsk, tsk. Oh well, the Enron executives didn't reveal everything either. I guess it's just Good Business. ;-)


RE: Any claimed "multi-thread" capabilities do not apply to ScriptMaker.

As I get it, FM is very single thread application and since the WC just passes requests to the FM, that part is "single thread" as well.

But WC was made multithreaded (I didn't tested that yet) so in theory the transaction should increased dramatically. One request is evaluating; another communicating with FM and another is served with result from previous request.

But scripts -- no. Furthermore, just test yours: Fire up 10 browser sessions and do different things in them not at any sequence and watch FM. FM CANNOT remember something from past requests, but browsers yes until are closed. Switch that task to the browser, that is all!

[ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: Anatoli ]


"But scripts -- no. Furthermore, just test yours: Fire up 10 browser sessions and do different things in them..."

Anatoli, my demo will allow you (and anyone else) to do just that involving two different scripts. I even tell you how. Believe me, I've already done what you suggest. Five I.E. and five NN browsers. On copper over the web. Did it last October. Worked fine. Did a similar test last April not over the web but on a flan (fake LAN). Worked fine. Lack of capital has been a problem in getting anything online. Can't find paying work in FMP. A web demo finally is about to occur. I do not intend to put up a web site to embarass myself with something which is not tested.

Be patient. You'll get to try it and have some fun, I'm sure. I trying to serve this broad-band for all those rich developers with fast servers.



[ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: Keith M. Davie ]


RE: Modify Last Find

Which "Modify Last Find"? User A, or B, or C, or D, or....

That logic is completely useless in web situations.

But in CDML are commands just catering for this, just jump into that...

[ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: Anatoli ]



in this case example I was referring to the script step "modify last find". If user No. 1 will recall the "modify last find" after user 2, 3...n will finish their Find, it will not work of course. That will not work even with nicely multithreaded script engine.

The logic is FM Pro single user and not the multi-user.

I do not get, that dumper is that blind! You do not need browsers for that. Just do find then different find and what will FM show in "modify last find"? The last only find.


Anatoli, regarding the "multi-thread" WC, you posit a scenario, "But WC was made multithreaded (I didn't tested that yet) so in theory the transaction should increased dramatically. One request is evaluating; another communicating with FM and another is served with result from previous request."

Yes, that scenario sounds quite realistic. Now suppose that WC receives three, four or five near-simultaneous requests to run a script or different scripts through ScriptMaker. Now the scenario is that WC submits these requests to ScriptMaker, a single-threaded engine. The first script is running and WC is still submitting search requests. Still the same problem with ScriptMaker.


Sure, that is, as I understand from marketing mumbo-jumbo. But since those things will happen concurrently, it will be faster, it can process new request for something while sending previous request result out.

I did just testing yesterday with performance on our PC NT server, and it is processing 5 requests in 1 sec of processor time. My home almost obsolete machine is processing 9 requests in 1 sec of CPU time.

Because of waiting for WC serving results out, actually each request is taking 5-20 times more time. In another words, multithreading will improve performance but with old limitations being still there.

  • 2 weeks later...

I too am having trouble getting scripts to function using Instant Web Publishing. I created a simple two step script. Enter Find Mode [pause] and Perform Find []. The script would not work. I referred to Article No. 107476 in the technical knowledgebase to check the script steps that were supported. I noticed it listed Enter Find Mode []. I tried a one step script call and could get Enter Find Mode [] to work but not Enter Find Mode [pause]. Therefore, do I have to create two buttons if I wish to supress the Instant Web Publishing interface - one to Enter Find Mode [] and one to Perform Find []?

How do I get a "Submit" button if I create a "New Record" button?

Not that I don't appreciate the "beauty" of CDML, but I am only interested in a solution using Instant Web Companion.

[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: mharrsch ]


RE: but I am only interested in a solution using Instant Web Companion.

You set for you the biggest limitation. I didn't get yet request from client, which can be fulfilled, with Instant. It is like going to Italian Famous Coffee Bar for Instant Nescafe -- yak.

Also all web experts here already gave up on Instant. 5 minutes of research and off I go.

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