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Instant Web Publishing problems

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  • Newbies

I've ready plenty of posts on this forum regarding this topic, but I still can't get my database to be visible outside my LAN.

I've set up forwarding on my router so that port 591 redirects to the IP address of the computer hosting the file, and the address I'm using is in this format: is my external IP address.

I'm running FM Pro 7.0v1a on a Mac G4 under OS X 10.3.9.

Any ideas?



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If i tracert to www.realevolution.com.au that never completes either... nor does it ever complete for www.microsoft.com - likewise a ping will never work on these sites. This is done for security reasons.

If you want to check if a particular port is open about the only choice you have is telnet [ip] [port].

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  • Newbies is the number I got from www.whatismyip.com.

You may not have found it due to the time you checked, though. The server is usually off overnight (from 6 pm to 7 am, CST)


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