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HELP: Where can I add this missing line into my calculation?

Nathan Wilcox

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Hi Guys,

I've been trawling google and many forums for the last couple of days after numerous failed attempts, I'm now relying on the expertise of all of you. I currently have the following calculation:

If     ( 
    IsEmpty ( Invoices::Search ) ; Invoices::Product Category Filter Popover = All Products | Popover::Category ; 
    PatternCount     ( 
                List ( 
                    All Products | Popover::Item ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Supplier ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Internal ID ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Resale Price 
                    ) ; 
                ) > 0 
    and Invoices::Product Category Filter Popover = All Products | Popover::Category

set up as a portal filter and it performs perfectly to what I needed when I was only testing with a few products in Inventory. I now have 36000+ records and would really like to only show items with a value of more than 0.

I found a suitable calculation (subbed in my own field) on filemaker:

If (All Products | Popover::Stock < 1; 0; 1)

But cannot find the right area to add to my above calculation.

Can anyone help???



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I would say this should work :-

If (All Products | Popover::Stock < 1; 0;

If     ( 
    IsEmpty ( Invoices::Search ) ; Invoices::Product Category Filter Popover = All Products | Popover::Category ; 
    PatternCount     ( 
                List ( 
                    All Products | Popover::Item ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Supplier ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Internal ID ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Resale Price 
                    ) ; 
                ) > 0 
    and Invoices::Product Category Filter Popover = All Products | Popover::Category



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11 minutes ago, rwoods said:

I would say this should work :-

If (All Products | Popover::Stock < 1; 0;

If     ( 
    IsEmpty ( Invoices::Search ) ; Invoices::Product Category Filter Popover = All Products | Popover::Category ; 
    PatternCount     ( 
                List ( 
                    All Products | Popover::Item ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Supplier ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Internal ID ; 
                    All Products | Popover::Resale Price 
                    ) ; 
                ) > 0 
    and Invoices::Product Category Filter Popover = All Products | Popover::Category



Thank You So Much. It works Perfect! I now understand what was wrong.

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