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Found 21 results

  1. The settings in my iPhone X are set within FM GO 2023 to allow 'Location,' but as you'll see below, LAT & LONG are blank. I've tried all 'Location' settings with no change. Could this be due to the fact that I'm indoors and not in line of sight with satellites? If so, is there any way to record the...
  2. Hi, I am copying a scanned pdf on my iPhone and am passing the clipboard to FilemakerGo via Shortcuts. Inside my filemaker file, I am running a script to paste the clipboard into a container field. While this works with images, it does not work with pdf files. Am I on t...
  3. Everyone talks about IoT. We don't talk, we do. Just like our colleague Milan who wanted to get his greenhouse under control... As a little boy he grew tomatoes and some herbs in pots on balcony (because we didn’t have a garden at that time). Over time his hobby evolved into growing vegetables...
  4. Hey Everyone We are having this issue with the change of any of this variables IOS 13 FileMaker 18 FileMaker Server 18 FileMaker Go 18 We have a Layout for FileMaker go to upload photos from an iPod Touch or iPhone Pro 11, and when we use a script to take...
  5. Is it possible to take photos on your iPhone and in Filemaker Go select multiple images from the camera roll and add them to the database all at once. It doesn't appear this is possible but I thought I'd throw it out there. Thank you in advance for any suggestions. Caroline
  6. The new version of the popular hardware integration plug-in now adds support for iOS Prague, CZ — February 25, 2019 — 24U has released 24U Phidgets Plug-In 3.1 for FileMaker Pro 14 through 17. The popular plug-in for integrating FileMaker solutions with hardware devices, such as relays,...
  7. When I share my files to client FM Go 15 iPhone on my home wifi network, it works fine. At work I'm allowed to access a limited "staff" authorized wifi, where the file share does not seem to work. Even when I repeat the process (File/Sharing/Share with Filemaker clients) while on the work wifi, my...
  8. I have a class attendance solution that I've been running with the help of FMGo 13 for some time. The solution uses a bluetooth barcode scanner and an iOS device to scan a student id and track attendance etc. The bluetooth connection to the iOS device has proven the weakest link in that it occasiona...
  9. [FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] 24U announces 24U Phidgets Remote for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch The first iPhone/iPad app to let your iPhone or iPad interact with Phidgets to touch the physical world around Prague, CZ -- November 6, 2015 24U Software announces free download availability...
  10. I was pulling my hair out earlier due to a problem with FileMaker Go 13.0.2 on my iPhone 5S (updated OS). I'm running it against a FileMaker 13 server hosted at FileMakerProHosting.com and developed the database with FileMaker Pro 13 Advanced. I have a simple layout for updating a table. On th...
  11. I want to use "get (device)" to switch to a layout customized for iphone. However, it doesn't seem to be working. At the start of a script, I'm setting a variable identifying the OS using "get (device)." At the end of the script I have an if statement that if the variable = 4, it should go to the ip...
  12. The layout I want to convert works on FMGo but of course all the fields are spread out causing me to have to scroll around to get to the fields. Anyone have a good way to convert my existing layout to an iPhone layout? Thanks,
  13. I thought I'd post this here since I'm primarily attempting to get this working on an iPhone & FMGO12. I'm trying to run a script during "OnLayoutSizeChange" using the "Get (WindowOrientation)". Basically, if the orientation on the iPhone changes, it should change to the appropriate layout. What am...
  14. Hello I have a file that contains some youtube videos that I view with the webviewer. When I port the file to FM go, on the iphone it works great except the video won't autoplay but on the ipad it won't automatically play or play full screen like it does on the iPhone. Does anyone know how to get...
  15. I have a layout for my Contacts, in list view. Each row contains the Contact Name and a POPOVER to edit the Contact information. Â When the list is longer (beyond the iPhone 4s screen size), click the popover to edit, the title bar seems to slide up (see pics), and I see a single field fully, cli...
  16. Hi, I have a database which contains many photos. These photos are stored in my Dropbox, and are linked to the database through a container (only the reference is stored). On my MacBook Pro, no problem. But if I open my database on my iPhone (the database is hosted in the cloud by a prov...
  17. 242 downloads

    A couple of weeks ago, we posted our solution to cross-platform Skype calling from within a Filemaker database. We were pretty pleased with it for our database solution as it allowed us to utilize our Skype subscriptions directly no matter whether we were using a Mac, PC or iPhone. But it wasn't qui...
  18. File Name: Filemaker-Skype-Demo.zip File Submitter: soundsessential File Submitted: 22 Sep 2013 File Category: Samples FM Version: 12 A couple of weeks ago, we posted our solution to cross-platform Skype calling from within a Filemaker database. We were pretty pleased with it for our data...
  19. I discovered this recently, and thought more folks might be interested to know: When calling the Get ( WindowContentHeight ) function in FileMaker Go for iPhone, subtract 31 to get the correct result. On desktop versions and FileMaker Go for iPad, Get ( WindowContentHeight ) does not include the sta...
  20. This may be a stab in the dark, but we'd like to be able to pull the caller ID from an incoming call on an iPhone into FM Go. Is this possible? Here's the scenario: FileMaker Go is running on the iPhone iPhone receives call User answers call User switches to FileMaker Go FileMaker Go matches...
  21. Hello, I am running Filemaker pro advanced 12 on windows 7 I have been searching allover the internet for an answer to this question but i can seem to find exactly what i am looking for. I am now using forums as my only hope. I am really new at all this and I am presently working on a pr...
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